Snowmen and Snow Boys
It was that time again, time for the requisite journey to the snow - so on Monday night Carson and Reed and I packed up the car and headed up to the mountains. It was raining here, so I knew it would be snowing there, but my little car has 4-wheel drive and we were only going to Kyburz (not so high up) so we went for it. The journey was uneventful, and we arrived to a warm cabin a few hours after Satchel and Kat (his girlfriend) got there. We settled in for the night, intending to get up early and go skiing the next day.
But when I woke up in the morning, and the snow was softly falling outside, and the kids were sleeping - it occurred to me that although I had worked around the clock for two weeks to get there, I didn't have to keep hustling! It was only 3 days, but it WAS a vacation. So I let the kids sleep in, and read a book, and watched the snow fall.

We made some huge snowmen - one as tall as Carson - and then the boys discovered that wrestling in deep soft snow is really fun. Sometimes my boys are just like puppies - they had the best time knocking each other over, and down the hill, for at least an hour. (When we left, Thursday afternoon, their snow boots were still wet on the inside - that's how snowy they got.) On breaks in between snow play, we made hot food, played Oh Hell, drew silly pictures - it was a lovely day.
The next day was bright and clear, as was the day after, and we went skiing. It was glorious - all the times we've skied in a blizzard were forgotten as we enjoyed the perfect snow, sunny weather, and midweek light crowds. At one point (see photo) the boys asked me to take them to the deep snow - I guess I'm a bad mom because before I picked them both up and got them back on their skis, I laughed and laughed and took this photo (zoom in to see Carson too, further down the hill)...
It couldn't have been a nicer trip...