So many changes

The last time I posted, it was summer. Will was preparing for college by sleeping all the time, Satchel was working hard and vague about his plans, and the younger boys were ready to head back to school - Carson to middle school for the first time, Reed as a second grader.

Now it's early December, and Will is almost done with his first quarter at Evergreen (and loving it!), Satchel lives in Breckenridge, Colorado where he's managing a small ski shop at the base of the slopes, Carson is adjusting to 6th grade, and Geoff and I are adjusting to less laundry and fewer groceries. Reed isn't adjusting to much - he's still the youngest kid and still in the same school. So the main difference in his life is fewer big brothers around to sit on him.
I've been missing my boys a lot with the holidays - but I guess I'd better get used to it! You have kids, love 'em to pieces, put your all into raising them -- and if you've done it right, they grow up, move out, and have their own lives. So I have to remind myself that my nest isn't half empty, it's half full!
Yes, one does miss the children when they move out, But it is also good. It frees you up to do so many more things. It does take some adjusting though.
December 12, 2009 at 10:29 PM
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