Mixing my metaphors
I can't decide whether summer is flying past us on wings of a dove, or whether school is approaching like a freight train (with puberty on board). It's only three weeks into summer, but it's already feeling too short. And we've packed in a lot in these weeks already...
Satchel is due back tonight from his trip to Europe - he went to London, Paris, Brussels, and Holland - finishing up his trip with a few days in Delft with our cousins. I'm looking forward to hearing his stories - we've gotten some brief emails, but not a lot of details yet.
Carson and Reed made their annual trip out to Denver to stay with their Grandpa Tom & Grandma Chris for a weekend. I think the highlight was getting up before dawn to go fishing - they didn't catch any fish, but did get soaking wet and had a great time! It was their second time flying alone out there, and they felt like seasoned travelers.

After they got back, we went up to Kyburz and visited Lake Tahoe and played by the Silver Fork of the American river. The water was pretty cold (the photo at right was requested by the kids, and is titled "How It Felt"), but the kids & dogs had a great time anyhow!
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