Bedlam and chaos in the Butterfield house, which has been certified as experiment in rapid entropy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Indians on the Beach

It seems so long ago already, but a couple of weeks ago my mom asked me, "Would you like to take the kids to see the Indian Warriors on the beach?" Being, as usual, highly attuned to the cultural landscape & happenings in the Bay Area, I answered, "WHAT? Indians? Huh?"

It turned out to be a wonderful art installation at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. So we planned to take Carson & Reed on a Sunday afternoon. Then, to make things even better, Isha called that she was in town and would like to see us - so we met her and her friend at the beach, admired the art, froze (it WAS San Francisco in late summer, after all), went for a hot chocolate, and had a lovely afternoon. (You can pretty much guess the weather from the photos!)

Here's more about the art:

I'm glad we went, for since then it's been... well... pretty much just soccer all the time... including serving dinner to the whole team last Thursday (an annual ritual) which is actually rather fun, once you get past how much WORK it is to have 7 pounds of pasta and all the fixings ready for 20 kids to wolf down in the space of a few short minutes.

But there are worse things to do than watch soccer... there's always wrestling! Sigh...

'Nuff Said!

At Carson's 10th birthday. With brothers.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here we go again!

No, really, I'm not a soccer mom! I don't drive a mini-van, I work, and I coach... um... soccer. But only for the little guys.

But today Reed had soccer from 3:30 to 5, Carson had soccer from 5 - 6:30, and Will had a game at 4:30. Somehow I managed to fit in Reed's practice and part of Will's game.

So I guess I have to face facts... for at least a few months each fall, I'm a soccer mom...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Getting Medieval

It was quite the weekend, as usual. (But when isn't it around here?)

Carson turned 10 on Friday, and planned for himself a "medieval sleepover" party with 4 friends. They had a blast - I think their favorite part was dinner, followed closely by the treasure hunt. But they loved the pie fight too, and swimming, and making shields, and dressing up, and playing, and just hanging out. Carson always invites the same small group of close friends, so it's always really pleasant. And Reed was away on his first (successful) sleepover too, so it was all good! (Will and Satchel also took the smart path, and made other plans for the evening. Good plan!)

My favorite part was the menu Carson designed: Sausages, Drumsticks, Bacon, Bread and Watermelon. And no utensils. They were SO into it! Until they realized that all the meat they'd piled on their plates was actually pretty greasy and filling... pretty funny!

But I have to say, I'm glad the weekend is over, and the worst damage is that we have 7 new Bionicles to trip over!